Export and import instructions for measurements
with Norsonic Tippkemper devices
In order to import reverberation times measured with Norsonic Tippkemper GmbH measuring devices into Sarooma, these must first be exported using a suitable Excel template. This export takes place using NorConnect software from Norsonic Tippkemper.
The individual steps are shown below
- If you have not already done so, download the appropriate Excel template (see above) and save it in a location you can easily find again.
- Open NorConnect in the current version (here 5.0).
- Load the measurements you want to import into Sarooma later.
- Select the measurement series to be exported (checkbox active).
- Export the selected measurement series using the previously downloaded template.
- Click on the arrow below the Excel symbol.

- Select the Sarooma template from the view of the most recently used templates (if it does not yet appear here, see “first-time export” below).

- The selected measurement series are exported to an Excel file in the appropriate format. At the end, a dialog box appears showing you the file path and name of the export. Here you have the choice of opening the Excel file directly or closing the dialog.

- Open or switch back to Sarooma DesktopApp version 2.5.1 or newer.
- Select a set of rules and a plan with measured reverberation times and import the reverberation times you have just exported.
- Click on the import icon next to the fields for entering the measured reverberation times. The dialog for selecting the manufacturer of the measuring device used opens. Select Norsonic here.

- Select the file that you have previously exported to NorConnect by navigating to the appropriate folder and selecting this file.
- The import dialog containing the measurement series opens. You can select whether you want to import T20 or T30 reverberation times (if both measured variables are included in the export). Use the checkboxes to select the measurements that are to be imported as an average.

- Click on Import.
Now you have the reverberation times measured in your Sarooma project and can start planning the room acoustics.
First export from NorConnect
When exporting for the first time, the Sarooma template does not yet appear and must be selected for the first time. Proceed as follows:
- Click on the Excel symbol.

- A window opens in which you click on Browse to select the Excel template downloaded from here (see above).