Advantages of the DesktopApp
An up-to-date database with over 3700 current variants of sound-absorbing products from over 30 well-known manufacturers. More than 100 standard and literature values for typical furnishings, raw building materials and people.
The ability to add your own product data and share and use it within the company via the Sarooma Team Cloud.
Intuitive design and quick to learn operation. In this way, room acoustics planning can be carried out efficiently. The results can be adapted to your own design in a Word file. This allows you to quickly create reports for your customers.
Room acoustic planning can be carried out on the basis of architectural conditions or on the basis of reverberation time measurements. It is possible to import measurement data directly.
Sarooma DesktopApp
for professional planners
The Room Acoustics DesktopApp that meets the requirements of professional planners.
The Room Acoustics DesktopApp offers a wide range of functions and numerous customization options in an intuitive and easy-to-learn user interface.
Discover the advantages of the DesktopApp now, find out about the inclusion of measurement data and the scope of the database, how the product selection is presented and how the physical calculation behind the software works.
We will be happy to provide you with a two-week trial version with full functionality. Just contact us:
What are the advantages of the DesktopApp?
- large functional scope
- numerous possibilities for individualization
- Intuitive and easy-to-learn user interface
- Individual rooms can be combined into projects and saved in a file
- It is possible to duplicate rooms, so you can quickly create further variants and create and evaluate or with additional sets of rules plan
- Finished projects can be exported to a Word document for further editing. For each room, two tables are created – one with the details of the room, furniture and absorbers, and one with the result of the calculation
- Part of this Word export are also optionally Produktdata sheets of all products used in the design
- You can further personalize the Word export by including your own letterhead template
- The room acoustics software is provided via download. For activation, we will set up an account for you with your email address as the username.
We will gladly provide you with a test version with full functionality for two weeks.
What does the DesktopApp database contain?
- Over 3700 current variants of sound-absorbing products from more than 30 well-known manufacturers
- over 100 standard and literature values for typical furnishings, raw building materials and people
- Synchronization with the server ensures that you are always up to date, so that updates are not missed
- own product data can be added to your Private Data database
- these own data sets are shared in the team. This ensures a common data state and within your operation thanks to the Sarooma team cloud
- Traffic light display shows whether database is synchronized with server or also internally
- Language selection between English and German
NEW since version 2.5: Which results are displayed?
- The reverberation time, the level reduction and the A/V ratio are output for different planning conditions, the results are displayed in a diagram and in a table
- Requirements of the guidelines are also shown in the diagram and in the table – a direct comparison of the results with the requirements is therefore possible
- It is displayed directly whether the requirements of the selected directive are met
- Option to show and hide planning states in the diagram for an individual presentation of results
- Hidden planning statuses are not exported.
This means that the presentation of results in the Word export can be adapted to your own requirements
NEW since version 2.5: Is it possible to listen to calculated planning states?
- Yes, planning states can be made audible (auralization).
This allows you to listen into the room and get an impression of the room acoustics. - Use of the reverberation times actually calculated in the individual octave bands for audibility.
- A selection of different audio samples of speech (m/f) and music is available
- When listening, you can switch seamlessly between the planning states for a direct comparison of the effects of the acoustic measures
- The created audio samples can be saved
Can I bring measurement data into the DesktopApp?
Room acoustic planning can be based on
- Basis of purely architectural conditions or
- basis of a reverberation time measurement can be carried out.
Since version 2.2 it is possible to directly import reverberation times measured with measuring devices from the manufacturers Norsonic and NTi Audio. The results of several measurement series can be averaged.
How is the product selection done in the DesktopApp?
- with new chart gallery the absorption graphs of all products are displayed in tiles
- with the new full text search it is now even easier to quickly find the right absorber
- When clicking on the product selection in the project tab, the program calculates for each of the products whether it meets the specifications of the set of rules in the set quantity. If yes, it will appear in the selection list in black font and if not, in light gray font. This allows you to see at a glance which products meet the specifications under the given boundary conditions
- An info icon directly next to the products in the drop-down menu shows the absorption values graphically and in tabular form when the mouse is moved over them.
How does the DesktopApp calculate?
- all calculations are done in octaves in the frequency range from 125 Hz to 4 kHz
- based on Sabine’s formula for the reverberation time
- depending on the set of rules, the required target values are derived
- In addition to the reverberation time itself, these are, for example, the total equivalent absorption area in the room or the level reduction by sound-absorbing measures in the diffuse sound field outside the reverberation radius
- In addition to the specifications of the regulations, it is possible to calculate the reverberation time for different occupancy states. For example, to assess whether a large seminar room is suitable for a small audience. The results are presented graphically and in tabular form.
Which rule sets are available in the DesktopApp?
- DIN 18041 (Germany, Switzerland)
- VDI 2569 (Germany)
- ASR 3.7 (Germany)
- ÖNORM B 8115-3 (Austria)
- Building Bulletin 93 (England)
- Arrêté du 25 avril 2003 (France)
- NF S 31-080 (France)
- PN-B-02151-4 (Poland)
- CSN 73 0527 (Czech Republic)
- Recommendations for living spaces (Sarooma RRS)
Further standards and regulations are regularly added.
The WebApp and MobileApp, developed for product manufacturers, with the possibility to calculate room acoustic projects with their own product range.
The MobileApp as an ideal tool for frequent room acoustic planning also from on the road, for an efficient distribution of the own product range.
Are you facing new challenges? We will be happy to advise you and work with you.
Training courses
Sarooma offers regular training courses for professional planners and room acoustics beginners.
Do you have questions about our products?
Please feel free to write us a message or give us a call.